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Inauguration of the First China-ASEAN Institute of Modern Craftsmanship Co-built by LVTC

Updated:2023-12-07 09:30|Hits:

Inauguration of the First China-ASEAN Institute of Modern Craftsmanship Co-built by LVTC

Source: Author: Senior Editor: Release Date: December 6, 2023


From News Center (Text and Photo by Wang Xinzhi, Office of International Exchange and Luo Shihua, Publicity Department of the CPC LVTC Committee) On the afternoon of December 5, 2023, the "China-Indonesia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Intelligent Vehicle" co-built by LVTC, PT. LiuGong Machinery Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as "LiuGong Indonesia"), and PNJ was successfully inaugurated at PNJ in the Republic of Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as "Indonesia"). This is the first China-ASEAN Institute of Modern Craftsmanship inaugurated, marking the official implementation of China's national brand program of international cooperation with ASEAN countries in vocational education.

The following guests attended the inauguration ceremony: Ahmad Saufi, Director for Vocational and Higher Education Department of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Republic of Indonesia; Wu Jinchang, Deputy Director-General of the Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; Huang Mingyu, Director of the Secretariat of the Office of the Leading Group for Education of the CPC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional Committee; Qin Zhuangcai, Director of the Vocational and Adult Education Division of the Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; Luo Yaoguang, Director of the Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Division of the Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; Wei Lin, Vice President of LVTC; Daniel Prayoga, Operational Director of LiuGong Indonesia; Zainal Nur Arifin, Director of PNJ; and Nelly Masnila, Deputy Director of Sriwijaya State Polytechnic.

At the inauguration ceremony, Saufi emphasized the importance attached by the Indonesian government to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and the support in this regard. He mentioned that on April 27, 2022, the Indonesian President issued a presidential decree, based on which a national strategy for revitalizing TVET was formulated in August of the same year. He believed that the establishment of the China-Indonesia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Intelligent Vehicle aligned with the country's strategic requirements of "strengthening the role of chambers of commerce in providing demand-driven TVET" and "implementing higher vocational education that meets national standards and market demands", and highly affirmed the in-depth cooperation among LVTC, LiuGong Indonesia, and PNJ. On behalf of the government, Saufi promised to support the annual meeting of the China-Indonesian TVET Industry-Education Alliance jointly established by LVTC and LiuGong, which would be held in Jakarta in 2024, to commemorate the second anniversary of the aforementioned presidential decree.

Wu Jinchang delivered a speech on behalf of the Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. He said that more and more Chinese enterprises are seeking economic and trade cooperation in Indonesia, which has injected new vitality into the country's economic and trade development. Such cooperation entails the support of a significant number of technical professionals, providing a broad space for cooperation in the development of TVET. LiuGong Indonesia, LVTC, and PNJ have conducted in-depth cooperation regarding the development needs of the intelligent vehicle industry, including construction machinery. They took the lead in establishing the China-Indonesia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Intelligent Vehicle in Jakarta, a city where Chinese Premier Li Qiang pledged commitment, which is of great significance.

Wei Lin, Daniel Prayoga, and Zainal Nur Arifin, as representatives of the partners, respectively expressed their great attention to cooperation. All parties are full of expectations for the future of the China-Indonesia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Intelligent Vehicle.

At the inauguration ceremony, the participants discussed the construction plan of the China-Indonesia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Intelligent Vehicle. According to the company's development plan, LiuGong Indonesia has proposed to build another three craftsmanship institutes in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi in the next two years. With the support of the education departments of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Indonesia, LVTC and PNJ have agreed on the construction plan. The three parties will collaborate to establish a network for talent cultivation and training in intelligent vehicles across Indonesia, with PNJ serving as the headquarters and craftsmanship institutes on the three islands as branches, creating a model of TVET cooperation between China and Indonesia.

On September 6 this year, Chinese Premier Li Qiang attended the 26th China-ASEAN Summit in Jakarta and announced that in the coming three years, China will build 10 "China-ASEAN Institutes of Modern Craftsmanship" in ASEAN countries to continuously deepen cultural and people-to-people bonds. According to the co-construction plan between the Ministry of Education and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the construction of "China-ASEAN Institutes of Modern Craftsmanship" has been included in the task list of Guangxi. LVTC started to cooperate with LiuGong Indonesia and PNJ in 2022. They jointly established the LiuGong-LVTC International Craftsman College of Indonesia and the Indonesian sub-center of the LiuGong-LVTC Global Customer Experience Center, carrying out the order training program for local construction machinery talents in Indonesia. The first session of the program featured the enrollment of 80 students, the training of 11 Indonesian teachers, and the sharing of 9 professional standards and 5 English and Indonesian textbooks with PNJ. Due to the remarkable achievements of the program, the three parties applied for the establishment of a China-ASEAN Institute of Modern Craftsmanship based on the previous cooperation. Upon the evaluation by the Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, approval was granted to establish the project under the name of "China-Indonesia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Intelligent Vehicle". On this basis, on September 15, 2023, the three parties jointly initiated the China-Indonesia TVET Industry-Education Alliance with the support of Chinese and Indonesian education departments. So far, 18 enterprises, 61 vocational colleges in China, and all 49 public polytechnic schools in Indonesia have joined the Alliance.

LiuGong provides the equipment for the "China-Indonesia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Intelligent Vehicle" while LVTC is responsible for training teachers and outstanding students from partner institutions and sharing vocational education standards. Partner institutions in Indonesia provide venues, local faculty resources, and general equipment to enroll students. The three parties customize the cultivation of talents for enterprises, provide training for distributors and technicians of LiuGong, and jointly organize skills competitions and academic education cooperation to provide talent support for the development of LiuGong and its end customers and distributors and improve the whole service system of LiuGong.



Speech by Saufi


Speech by Wu Jinchang


Successful Inauguration of China-Indonesia Institute of Modern Craftsmanship of Intelligent Vehicle


Group Photo


Department Website Auditor: Wei Linhua, Office of International Exchange

College Website Auditor: Luo Shihua, Publicity Department of the CPC LVTC Committee